Hoosiers by the Numbers

Your premier source for labor market information for Indiana.

Job Seekers Resources

Looking for a job in Indiana and need to know more about the labor market? This page provides access to relevant resources geared to job seekers.

Know Your Labor Market

a group of plastic white dice with black icons on a blue background representing workers.

Regional Labor Market Information Across Indiana

Indiana has multiple workforce regions and we have labor market analysts who can help you understand what the opportunities are where you live. Go here and select your region now.

 A man sitting in a waiting room holding a clipboard he is studying to prepare for a job interview.

Employment Outlook through 2031

Get the heads-up on the types of jobs most in demand 5 and 10 years from now. This dashboard let’s you see the overall picture but you can also drill in by job types as well as regions.

A man in a suit and tie holding a clock with dollar signs instead of numbers on the dial.

Hourly Wage Dashboard

Every job (occupation) across the state by the hourly wage (or select annual salary) is at your fingertips. This is based on a large sample and while it lags a big timewise, it is a great guide to what the average wage is out there among hundreds of different jobs. You can also check out the IN Demand Jobs website.

A young man looking puzzled with cartoon chalk scribbles of thoughts coming out of his head.

IN Reality

Explore career choices and locations in Indiana based on how much you need to earn. IN Reality can help you find out how much you need to earn to match your desired lifestyle, as well as choose the kind of occupation you need based upon salary.

A yellow spiral note pad with transferable skills printed in black near a computer keyboard and magic marker.

Transition Time - Occupation to Occupation

Unique interactive tool allows users—a job-seeker or a workforce career counselor, for example—to estimate the preparation time required to transition from one occupation to another. "Transition time," while measured in weeks of academic, technical or vocational training, is a relative measure to provide one with an estimate of the relative ease or difficulty of moving from one type of job to another. This method, in effect, compares the similarity of education and training between occupations.

A veteran military man in camouflage on the left and in regular civilian clothing on the right.

Transition time for Vets

This interactive tool allows veterans to estimate the preparation time required to transition from their military occupation to a civilian job in Indiana.

Start Your Job Search

White Logo for One Stop to Start on a dark blue background.

Indiana’s Workforce Hub:  One Stop to Start

A great place to start your path to a new job or a whole new career, One Stop to Start is the place to get connected to career and job navigators who tailor the search package to your needs.

A silhouetted line of people of all genders and abilities standing in front of  a big window with the sun shining waiting to see a person sitting at a desk.

Next Level Jobs

Focusing on high-priority industries and in-demand jobs, this DWD web page provides access to a number of resources about hiring, prepping, and applying for jobs in Indiana.

Typing on a keyboard searching for job candidates with the job icons popping up on the screen.

Indiana Career Connect

View available job openings in the area you select quickly in real-time. Search for jobs on Indiana Career Connect .

Students in apprenticeship attending computing class.

Work-to-Learn Apprenticeships

The Office of Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeships helps Hoosier workers and career seekers like you find opportunities to fast track their career goals, avoid debt, and earn competitive wages. A work-based learning program can put you on that career pathway today.