Hoosiers by the Numbers

Your premier source for labor market information for Indiana.


Benton County, IN

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Industry employment is tabulated as jobs by place-of-work. Keep in mind that people may hold multiple jobs and that each job is counted by its industry.

Average Employment by Sector
 201920202021202220235 Year
5 Year
% Change
Total Employment2,3832,3122,3042,1552,201-182-7.64%
Total Private Employment1,7821,7331,7521,6211,642-140-7.86%
  Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunt261265274192186-75-28.74%
  Wholesale Trade189186140142180-9-4.76%
  Retail Trade17118318717917874.09%
  Transport. and Warehousing11911511510498-21-17.65%
  Finance and Insurance1621721841811791710.49%
  Real Estate, Rental, Leasing00DDD2N/A
  Professional and Tech. Servs.5046453935-15-30.00%
  Mgmt. of Companies000000N/A
  Admin. and Waste Services1415D1718428.57%
  Educational Services000000N/A
  Health Care and Social Assistance1041071059895-9-8.65%
  Arts, Entertain., and RecreationD2023D3434N/A
  Accommodation and Food Service4541464035-10-22.22%
  Other Services13474725855-79-58.96%
Federal, State, & Local Govt.601579552533559-42-6.99%
Note: D = non-disclosable in compliance with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and/or State of Indiana confidentiality guidelines. Source: Indiana Department of Workforce Development, as of July 2024.
Establishments by Sector
 201920202021202220235 Year
5 Year
% Change
Total Establishments219224228225215-4-1.83%
Total Private Establishments18419019519218510.54%
  Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunt1717171814-3-17.65%
  Wholesale Trade191816161900.00%
  Retail Trade272830292700.00%
  Transport. and Warehousing2223232320-2-9.09%
  Finance and Insurance1414182019535.71%
  Real Estate, Rental, Leasing00DDD2N/A
  Professional and Tech. Servs.1110987-4-36.36%
  Mgmt. of Companies000000N/A
  Admin. and Waste Services45D57375.00%
  Educational Services000000N/A
  Health Care and Social Assistance1113111010-1-9.09%
  Arts, Entertain., and RecreationD33D3150.00%
  Accommodation and Food Service6776600.00%
  Other Services1613131110-6-37.50%
Federal, State, & Local Govt.3534333330-5-14.29%
Note: Total employment represents the sum of total private sector and total government sector employment. State and local government schools and hospitals are included in the government total. Sectors may not sum to the total (or agree with BLS published total employment) due to suppression issues. D=non-disclosable in compliance with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and/or State of Indiana confidentiality guidelines. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics & Indiana Department of Workforce Development, as of July 2024.

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