Hoosiers by the Numbers

Your premier source for labor market information for Indiana.

Size Class Data

These data provide the number of establishments, employment, and wage information for various size classes determined by the number of employees in an establishment.

Source: Indiana Department of Workforce Development, based on Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where does this data come from?
    The data source is the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data, a firm-level record of employment by month, submitted by employers under Indiana's Unemployment Insurance Law. Data is lagged by approximately 6 months to accomodate late submissions, cleaning and editing of the data prior to release.
  • What is size class based on?
    Size class is assigned based on employment in the 3rd month of the quarter.
  • What does the number of establishments (reporting units) mean?
    An establishment (or reporting unit) is an economic unit, such as a farm, mine, factory, or store, which produces goods or provides services. It is typically at a single physical location and engaged in one, or predominantly one, type of economic activity for which a single industrial classification is applied.
  • How are the average wages calculated?
    Average wages represent total wages reported for the quarter divided by the average employment for the quarter.
  • What is included in total wages?
    Covered employers in most states report total compensation paid during the calendar quarter, regardless of when the services were performed. A few state laws, however, specify that wages be reported for or based on the period during which services are performed rather than the period during which compensation is paid. Under most state laws or regulations, wages include bonuses, stock options, profit distributions, the cash value of meals and lodging, tips and other gratuities. In some states, employer contributions to certain deferred compensation plans, such as 401(k) plans, are also included.
  • Which firms are included in these reports
    All firms privately owned, as well as federal, state and local government are included in this report.
  • Is all size class information fully disclosed to the public?
    BLS withholds publication of data when necessary to protect the identity and data of cooperating employers. Since QCEW gets reports from every employer in the United States, there are many cases where QCEW detailed data could consist of a single employer. These data are withheld or "suppressed" in QCEW publications. Totals at the industry level for the states and the nation include the nondisclosable data suppressed within the detailed tables. However, these totals cannot be used to reveal the suppressed data.